Spiritual songs, chants & flute music of the native american indian

Titre(s) Spiritual songs, chants & flute music of the native american indian [document sonore].
Editeur(s) Dejavu retro, cop. 2001.
Collection(s) (Gold collection).
Notes Contient : SPIRITUAL SONGS & CHANTS = Apache mountain spirits dance song ; Hopi butterfly song ; Taos war dance song ; Navajo horse riding song ; Zuni war dance song ; Hopi plaque song ; Taos moonlight song ; Navajo yebechi chant ; Apache sunrise song ; Hopi war dance song ; Hopi lullaby ; Humming bird song ; Taos hoop dance song ; Navajo fire dance song ; Hopi coming out song. THE INDIAN FLUTE = Taos round dance ; Northern ; Taos traditional song ; Crow traditional song ; I need thee every hour ; Northern plains pow wow ; Sioux traditional song ; Who am I ? ; Crow traditional song ; The eagle's bed ; Red in the rainbow ; Taos traditional song.
Sujet(s) Indien : Amérique du Nord : Musique
Indice(s) 061.1
Description 2 disques compacts. 1 fasc ;
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Spiritual songs, chants & flute music of the native american indian
Médiathèque Jean-Christophe RUFINMusique et cinémaDocuments sonores061.1 SPIDisponibleMusiques traditionnelles





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