Guitar legend

Auteur(s) Dadi, Marcel (Guitare) ;Lalanne, Jean-Félix (Guitare)
Titre(s) Guitar legend [document sonore] : volume 1 / Marcel Dadi, Jean-Félix Lalanne, guitares.
Editeur(s) EPM, P 1989.
Notes Contient : Swingy boogie ; My family in Massapequa cocktail party ; Blueberry old time picking parlor ; Pinewood road chattanooga train ; Nous trois ; Waltz for Paula ; Song for Steve and Anne-Marie ; To mom and dad ; Two days with Charlie - Holidays with Samuel ; Romantic sauerkraut ; Billy the Keith ; Angelina B. ; My old friend Pat easy rollin' - When my fingers dream of you ; Sonia, a letter from Abi ; Oh Dadi blue ; Winther's waltz ; The ballad of Greg Ladey ; Song for ma femme ; Le derviche tourneur ; Fluide glacial ; Lullaby for Stéphanie ; Number one son Big Chief ; Prière pour Michel Lopez ; Song for Jerry poor lonesome Dadi ; Marcel's rag egged bus rag old black piano ; Milk shaker Nashville tops ; From Paris with love ; En attendant Joachim ; Things we used to do ; Marcel samba ; Song for Leo ; Roger Chesterfield.
Sujet(s) Guitare : Musique
Indice(s) 2.30
Description 1 disque compact. 1 f. ;
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Guitar legend
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